Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Hay stupid bitch trisha annabelle.

 Hey stupid birch Trisha Annabelle did read I get alerts you comment that image Fab website ?  I just got email saying you and Naomi are comments  that  website about me look everybody they said. I'm mad!!!!  You 2 need stop commenting about me on that image Fab website. 

They back at it again tonight July 1..

 2024 comment again. Read this I got something say about it. 

Naomi hit on head. Yes was me made that post on images fab. I did not like that website I left it went anonymous post it. I still get emails saying people following it or comments it. You 2 play in my hands perfectly two ugly bitchs. Ha ha ha

You 2 like comments me again image Fab? I just got email you 2 comments on it again. I agree with Trisha Annabelle I had few cigarettes celebrate today few beers too. Rest do not like. You Naomi you 1 start comment my posts image Fab. Yes got on music right now. Ac/dc yes love wrestling. No do not read books often. David Hammer a better friend than trashy Trisha Annabelle or Carrie Johnson or Taylor Johnson I glad Trisha thinking I was missy that funny. Ha ha ha. Enough said. Now go back my beer and Marlboro reds I buy today. 


  1. Ok how hell you get notified about this huh? You o imagine Fab website ? Yes told Naomi about this. She my best friend on that website. We comment each other stay in contact.

    1. You 2 do own photo and comments own photo not my old posts i made on image fab please.

  2. You need leave my best friend Trisha Annabelle alone. She been my friend since 2007 on PlayStation 3 network. I bet you might be this Jonathan been text us scrap on here. He getting ignoring as you Sarah Johnson. Stop post screenshots of Trisha Annabelle and Naomi comments on image Fab website on here.

    1. What playstation 3 ? They comments my post i made on that website image fab getting over 100 email saying they comments my posts.

  3. I have information. Today I got email from real Missy Monroe. She saw this website today Sarah Johnson. She very mad. She call A lawyer on you. You better get off here now. Delete your posts and profile on here. I started thinking you that Jonathan was saying that I'm a fake smoker. I post something soon proof im a real smoker Jonathan or should say Sarah Johnson. I went back on your posts who David Hammer? What happened to him ? He dump you not your friend anymore ? Ha Ha Ha

  4. Omg you bitch Sarah Johnson that was your post on image Fab? We been comments between me and my friend Namoi on it. We definitely no more comments it anymore now. I tell Namoi about this now. You never answered my question? What happened to David Hammer ? Please answer that? I know Taylor Johnson and Carrie Johnson wanted known that too.

    1. You know happen to David Hammer ? He quit Trumbl website he was not getting new photos girls smoking he quit that website Trumbl. He on now Riddet with me website im on now

  5. Wow you going to far Sarah leave my friend trisha alone Sarah Please.

    1. No im not until they stop comments my posts i made on image fab. I got over 100 emails from image fab saying this trisha and Naomi are comments your posts please read your comments post. I do read comment screenshot it put on here this website.

  6. You not see mind and Naomi comments no longer Sarah Johnson we started a private pic comments now. Namoi has something tell you. I paste her comment. Here me driving to work morning having a cigarette as listing to my car radio. I hear Xbox live was hack today. Im glad I'm no longer on there. Hope getting my PlayStation 5 soon maybe Friday..

    Sarah you a thorn in my side sense February you started screenshots my comments on image fab. You need find something else do with free time than this. Ok leave Trisha Annabelle alone. Leave everybody else alone too. Namoi

    1. What x box ? I do like screenshot your comments put on here was so fun do.

  7. imagine Fab


    Enough said.

    1. I use be on image fab i did not like that website i left delete my profile left all my posts. I still get email people comments my posts on image fab. I like this website more. this trisha on image fab with her friend Naomi always comments my posts i had on that website you read all there comments they said.

  8. Jonathan, hat is image Fab?

    Enough said.


Thanks for your kind words comments. Every comment you send me I return a comment back to you. No bad languages comments I wil remove it. If contact me a private message you find me on Facebook nope not on Twitter. My Facebook information - i read my messages twice a day on Facebook.