Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

 o m g i got a shock today i got on Jessica instantgram page.  She post nude photos herself having sex her boyfriend he cum all over her.  He wearing no rubber. Hope she do not get pregnant like i did age 21  having Tayla.  I  share photos on here you all see them.  I just saw Carrie Johnson  / Faith Nelson nude on her blog. Here Jessica. her hair blonde today.  

Jessica and her boyfriend a year ago having sex she said.




  1. My honest option this not be on this website it be post on porn website.

  2. Way he fucking her she be careful not let him cum in her. She might get pregnant. Who took Pics? Hope wasn't her sister Tayla.

  3. My ask why last 6 pics she wearing rings ? Is she going married tht guy?

    1. First 16 photos taken on February 14th 2023. Last 6 taken on March 2th after he ask her marry him.


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