Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

 I see  my blog getting popular people view it. Nobody yet comment me.  Please comment my posts. I  found 7 people on here post about Cigarettes Smokers.  2 people i found has my last name " JOHNSON "  they 2 gorgeous girls.  I found this Elizabeth forgot her last name and few others.  If wanted me comment you then you need start comment my posts too.   Here few more photos details about them.  

Photo taken night after Kansas city chiefs won superbowl 57.

Tayla third photo trying out reto images system

Tayla second photo trying out reto images system

Tayla age 19 first time she experience use reto images system

Tayla age 21. She need start wearing glasses after photo taken 

Tayla camel cigarette age 22 i  never photo until last year

Tayla age 23  this first time  i knew she a cigarette smoker.

Tayla dye hers hair red for a Christmas party.

Tayla finish a Newport 100  saying best cigarette she had.

Tayla Virginia slim 120 on valentine day.

Tayla on her 24th birthday she got carton marlboros reds


  1. Tayla so pretty dangle her cigarette. she be awesome cigarette model.

  2. Wow your daughter pretty as myself. Nice pictures. Love her name Tayla almost like my name Taylor.


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