Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Here i have a question?  What better for a Lady?  Marlboros Reds or Virginia Slims 120 or  Misty 120?     Why ask this question  because that David Hammer on Tumblr request a woman smoke 120 Cigarettes of Misty 120 or Virginia Slims 120 to win a 6 months supply of 120 Cigarettes. No Marlboros or Newports  or Camels Cigarettes  aloud on photos.  

Marlboro red for a woman fail the question.

Menthol Cigarettes pass question.


  1. Here i think. In public or having a cigarette break at work a Newport or Maroboro okay. You get home after long day having 120s just hit the spot. Or having 120s on holidays also.

    1. He took down That post people girls saying was not have 120 Cigarettes of 120 brand just win a stupid prize.

  2. I seen things like this on twitter. My option they fake. just get more Pics you Cigarettes smoking do not believe them posts. Marlboros my favorite in afternoon and maybe 1 Virginia Slim 120 in the evening.

  3. Here i think. Women choice what brands Cigarettes she wanted smoke not Tumblr website tell you to smoke. Hi im Vanseea Hunter. Please follow me.


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