Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Sorry i not been on here for a week.  My older daughter  Tayla Chelsea Miller  she got married last weekend in St Joseph Missouri. I help her with her wedding. Yes her name before she got married was Tayla Chelsea Johnson.  Yes she a cigarette smoker like her mom me Sarah Johnson and her sister Jessica Johnson. Tayla take after her mom like Virginia Slims 120 or misty 120 sometimes she like Capri 120 too.  Maybe she her sister Jessica they might like marlboros or Newports 100.  Here photos Tayla cigarette smoking.  

Tayla and Jessica Johnson sisters cigarettes smoking

Tayla first cigarette age 15

Tala start smoking age 15 she started high school. She fail middle school 2 times people bully her in school.  she started high school she wanna be like cool kids school cigarette smoking.  She graduate from high school age 19.  She now age 27.  I had her i only age 21.  It was mistake baby i had sex a friend in college let him fuck me no rubber. He cum in me 3 times never told me.  I got pregnant had Tayla Chelsea  Johnson.  Me and him we got married after i graduate from college. A Year later got pregnant again with Jessica Johnson.  Now Tayal live her husband in St Joseph Missouri they working on making kids too. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow your daughter Tayla so beautiful dangle her cigarette. I bet any cigarette model company hire her. Try looking up website and submitting Pics your daughters to them see they hire them or use on there website pay you and your daughters extra cash.


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