Im Sarah Johnson a chain-smoker Cigarettes Smoker.

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Hi im Sarah Johnson from Kansas city Missouri a Cigarettes Smoker pass 25 years. Have 2 daughters Jessica Johnson she 19 she start smoke too. And i have older daughter Tayla Johnson age 28 . We 3 both like looking at photos girls and guys having Cigarettes. My older daughter Tayla just got married. She Cigarettes Smoker since she age 15.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

 Someday Jessica Johnson wanna be a smoking model.  Her favorite 1  Diana Armstrong here photo Jessica favorite smoking model Diana.  

Diana Armstrong

Diana Armstrong Gif


  1. i seen her before. She awesome smoker. You seebest smoker look up Charisma Capelli she done over 100 cigarettes smoking videos and she was 1 original first few people on website.

  2. yes seen her before too. She about 7 videos herself. She work for usa smokers website.


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